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Children & Youth
Sunday School From September to May, children ages 3 and up are invited to attend Sunday School during the 9:30 a.m. worship service (leaving after The Collect and return during The Passing of the Peace). We offer two classes: pre-K to 2nd grade, and 3rd grade and above. We worship, share, learn, reflect and play together in order to nurture a relationship with God and one another. The curriculum is flexible and provides for diverse experiences to meet the evolving needs of our children. The timing allows children to be present during the more participatory parts of worship and coffee hour. Contact: Becky Wright.
Nursery Care During the program year, we offer Nursery Care during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday service. The nursery is staffed by one professionally trained and carefully vetted caregiver, along with one volunteer. Contact: Becky Wright.
Acolytes Children in 4th grade and above are invited to learn both about and how to Acolyte. (Acolytes may still attend Sunday School, if they wish.) This is an important leadership role vital to the worship service. Acolytes light candles, lead processions, and assist at the altar. Contact: Mary Senn or Becky Wright.
Youth Kids 10 and above participate in service projects and social activities throughout the year. Contact: Shiny Fields.
Confirmation Grades 7 and above are invited to participate in our Confirmation program. In coordination with St. Luke's, St. Mark’s and St. Matthew’s Episcopal churches in Evanston, youth gather to explore, to question, and to grow in faith. Contact: Shiny Fields or Becky Wright.
Intergenerational Events St. A's offers monthly intergenerational events to deepen our faith and community life as we learn with and from one another: service projects, advent wreath making, our annual Christmas pageant, pizza and game nights, alternative worship services--all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Questions? Contact Becky Wright.
Seasonal Celebrations
We celebrate the seasons of our lives together with events that focus on children and families. Some of these include:
St. Nick’s Party
Christmas Pageant
Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes and Eucharist for All God’s Children
Children’s Good Friday Journey to the Cross
Easter Egg Hunt