Included below are some of the questions we have been asked about annual giving at St. Augustine's. We hope you will find the questions and responses helpful. If you have a question that is not answered here, or if one question leads to others, please contact our rector, The Rev. Nadia Stefko.
Why pledge?
We allow God to work within us when we recognize that it is God who gives us all that we have, and all that we are. As we share of our time, talent, and treasure, we work with God to build the body of Christ here on earth.
Why pledge financially?
When you commit to giving money to St. Augustine’s, you help leadership prepare for the life of the church in the coming year. We hold budgeting to be a sacred task and trust. We strive to act responsibly and faithfully, using your generously pledged gifts to care justly and sustainably for our people and properties, to nurture and grow our community in Christ, and to contribute to the building up of God’s kingdom on earth.
Pledges are essential to St. Augustine’s financial well-being. Over the past three years (2021–2023) pledges have averaged 70% of total revenue. Growth in program and ministry can only be funded by increased pledges.
What is the goal of this year’s campaign?
We hope to match our budget growth to our growth in membership these three ways:
Increase the number of pledges from 91 to 110.
Increase the number of pledges across all ages and stages of life, so that support for program and ministry comes from more people.
Increase the total pledge revenue to $450,000, to keep us on a solid footing in support of continued growth.
What will it mean for us to achieve that goal?
Answering our Christian call to respond to the needs of the world: sheltering people experiencing homelessness through our active participation in and financial support of Family Promise, feeding people who are hungry by collections for food pantries and monthly service at A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen, offering financial support to area agencies and services with our Mission Grant Outreach program
Maintaining our commitment to the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago
Providing for ministries that form our lives of faith: music that helps us to worship in the beauty of holiness, programs that equip us to share our sacred stories, opportunities to share in fellowship
Sustainable funding of a staff equipped to serve St. Augustine’s parish and community
Ensuring that our buildings and properties are kept in good repair, providing members and guests with safe and hospitable spaces to share in worship and fellowship and service and teaching
Moving away from reliance on the responsible disbursement of our endowment to fund our operating budget, toward the goal of making those funds available for special projects in the future
Who should pledge?
Members long-time and brand-new, friends, visitors—anyone who values and wants to support, in a tangible way, St. Augustine’s mission and ministries.
How much to pledge?
There is no one answer. We are all shaped by our life events and the generation into which we were born. Our motivations may differ from others who give. In prayer, consider these questions:
How has St. Augustine’s shaped my life and the lives of the people I love?
What would be, for me, a significant contribution?
What percentage of my household income do I currently give to St. Augustine’s? How does this echo God’s generous gifts to me?
What did I pledge to the church last year or the past several years? Am I able to increase that gift?
What if I can’t give very much?
It’s not about comparing yourself to others; small pledges matter just as much as larger ones. They create an opportunity for long-term financial growth and they diversify the church’s funding. They also reflect the many facets of our community. We are a gathering of large and small families, single adults, and couples, all with varying abilities to give. Even if you can’t incrementally grow your pledge every year, it still contributes to our overall goal. Just like an ecosystem with large and small organisms, we all have a part to play in the financial health of our church.
Is a tithe the same as a pledge?
“Tithe” simply means “tenth,” and it is a pledge to give ten percent of your income. But your pledge can be a different percentage, giving in a way that recognizes your circumstances. When giving proportionally:
You set aside your first fruits, dedicating a portion of your income to God. This is a sacred act.
Your financial gift rises and falls with your income–it is right-sized to your household.
Giving back to God is a life-time journey; setting a percentage allows you to increase your giving over time.
What’s the average annual gift to St. Augustine’s?
For 2024, we were blessed to receive 91 pledges, with an average pledge amount of $4,253. The median amount is $2,976.
Amount Pledged Number of Gifts Received
$1 < $1,000 15
$1,000 < $2,500 29
$2,500 < $5,000 21
$5,000 < $10,000 24
$10,000+ 7
Proportional giving percentages
Income 1% 3% 5% 7% 10%
$50,000 $500 $1,500 $2,500 $3,500 $5,000
$75,000 $750 $2,250 $3,750 $5,250 $7,500
$100,000 $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $7,000 $10,000
$250,000 $2,500 $7,500 $12,500 $17,500 $25,000
How can I make my pledge?
Complete a Certificate of Giving (available from the church office) and return by mail or in person
Use our online certificate of giving:
Log in to your Realm profile at; click the “Giving” tab on the left, then the “ + Pledge” button at the top of your Giving page. You can also set up payment options there, which include a direct debit from your bank account (preferred) or debit/credit cards. If you have questions about how to do this, please contact treasurers Gray Curchin or Mark Farrell.
Does St. A’s allow for stock or IRA donations?
Yes. And making a gift from your Required Minimum IRA Distribution could reduce your tax bill. Delivering highly appreciated long term stock holdings from a taxable investment account can also be beneficial tax-wise. We encourage you to discuss this with your financial advisor.
Who should I talk to if I have more questions?
Making a financial gift to the church is both a practical and a spiritual effort. If you have questions about either of these aspects and would like to talk more about your offering, please contact our rector, The Rev. Nadia Stefko, one of our wardens, Juli Bergerud or Hilary James; or one of our treasurers, Gray Curchin and Mark Farrell.