Christmas at St. Augustine’s

December 17

7:00 pm Longest Nights Service a service making space for feelings of lament during these longest nights of the year. This candlelit, contemplative service will feature readings and music focusing on God’s presence with us in darkness, as well as an (optional) time for healing prayer with anointing. This will be a hybrid service, held in the sanctuary and also accessible on Zoom using this link (pw: lacroix).

December 22

9:30 am Last Sunday of Advent Worship Service St. A's regular Sunday worship service in the Sanctuary and on Zoom (pw: lacroix) with Nursery Care available (but no Sunday School today), followed by Coffee Hour and a Sunday sermon discussion.

December 24

4:00 pm Christmas Eve Eucharist with Carols a family-oriented service with carols, followed by a festive reception in Puhlman Hall (host: Nancy Freeman).

7:30/8:00 pm Christmas Eve Eucharist with Choir a traditional Christmas Eve service.

7:30 pm - Christmas Eve prelude of carols, anthems, and instrumental music

8:00 pm - Christmas Eve Eucharist with full choir and guest instrumentalists, followed by a festive reception in Puhlman Hall (host: Shannon Test).

Both Christmas eve services will be hybrid – held in the Sanctuary and on Zoom: 4:00 p.m. on Zoom (pw: lacroix) & 7:30/8:00 p.m. on Zoom (pw: lacroix). The services will also be simultaneously streamed to St. A's YouTube page; and will be available on YouTube for viewing thereafter. The bulletins will be available on our website.

December 25

10:00 am Christmas Day Eucharist at St. Matthew's Evanston, shared service with Evanston area Episcopal parishes (no Zoom option).

Please note: The 10:00 a.m. December 25th service will not be livestreamed or on Zoom. If you wish to participate in online worship that day, please visit the YouTube page of the National Cathedral in Washington, DC or the Cathedral’s website at 10:15 a.m. CST.