Organized Redemption 2015-2016 is now complete.
Please contact the Rev. Kristin White through button above for more information.
Organized Redemption
What does it look like to build and grow thriving congregations? How do we raise up and equip leaders to do good work in the church and in the world? What skills can we develop within the context of our faith to make this possible? These are the questions we explored through a four-part series over the course of the year, as leaders shared ideas and skills, developing relationships with lay and clergy leaders from Episcopal, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and non-denominational congregations across greater Chicago. We were blessed to grow in faith while seeking to translate it into action in ways that will continue to transform our communities.
Format: Four Half-Day Trainings
Lay Leaders & Clergy – Thursdays: 8am – 12noon September 17, December 3, February 4, May 5
Lay Leaders & Clergy – Saturdays: 8am – 12noon September 19, December 5, February 6, May 7
Cost: $50 per training session, discount to $150 total if you register for all four sessions. Make checks payable to: St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, memo: Organized Redemption. Mail checks to the attention of: Kristin White, Organized Redemption, at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, 1140 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette, IL 60091.
Location: All training sessions were held at St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church.
Each of the four sessions explored one area of broad-based community organizing situated within a faith context.
· Session 1 (9/17 or 9/19): Developing the ability to get things done
· Session 2 (12/3 or 12/5): Relationships as essential to the Body of Christ
· Session 3 (2/4 or 2/6): Vital congregations and organizations, stronger communities
· Session 4 (5/5 or 5/7): The Church as the hope of the world - cycles of organizing
Trainings began promptly at 8:00 a.m. and concluded at 12:00 noon, with the option for people to stay for lunch and informal conversation from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Each session began with Bible study connected to the focus area, continuing with large-group and small-group conversations, break-out sessions and activities, and opportunities for reflection and response. We found a high level of engagement and participation from everyone in the room.
Participants left each of the training days with an idea to put into action. Whether was mapping a power analysis of their congregation, creating a list of three leaders to contact for 1:1 relational meetings, a consideration of what excites versus what exhausts leaders, or the possible focus of a listening campaign, our goal was that everyone would leave every four-hour session with something immediately useful. Taken together and lived out in community over time, we believe these practices hold the power to transform. It was good to get started.