Job Announcement — St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church, Wilmette

Seeking Interim Associate Rector for Formation and Operations (full-time)

St. A’s seeks a passionate, collaborative, flexible minister to join our team in an interim capacity for one year, focusing on Operations, Christian Formation, and Pastoral Leadership. The Associate is a key position on St. A’s staff that requires both hands-on and managerial/oversight work. The position reports directly to the Rector; and works closely with staff members and volunteer lay leaders.

An Episcopal priest is our preferred candidate; however, interested lay ministers, deacons, or ordained clergy in other denominations are invited to apply.

Key responsibilities include sharing in worship and pastoral care duties (and serving as primary pastor during the rector’s sabbatical), and overseeing Christian formation, communications, and operations management. The right fit for this role will be a highly organized person, with strong interpersonal communication skills and excellent pastoral instincts, who can adapt to shifting priorities throughout the interim year.

This approximately one-year position is full-time: 40 hours per week, Sunday through Thursday (weekday schedule and hours negotiable). Salary and benefits are in line with Episcopal Diocese of Chicago guidelines.

To apply, please send a detailed email describing what interests you about this position and how your skills and background may be a good fit, along with a resume detailing your experience and work history, OTM profile (if available), and contact information for three references, to St. A’s Rector at The position is open until filled. Interviews will begin in November. The desired start date is January 2025.

Click here to download a detailed job description.